C-Parts. Small parts - Big effect!

It goes without saying that screws, nuts and washers are not the most important components of an industrial system or machine. However, without a doubt, these small components, i. e. C-Parts, are essential for the ultimate product.

Features of C-Parts

  • Parts of secondary importance for the end product
  • Low-priced materials with a maximum value < EUR 20.00 per piece
  • Excessive procurement cost compared to the value
  • Billing via material overhead costs
  • Parts that are handled in bulk
Definition C-Parts


Although the purchasing volume of these C-Parts is very low, the procurement costs are very high. During boom times with high levels of demand, handling repeat orders and coordinating these items for industrial manufacturing companies can be almost overwhelming.

This is precisely where we come in with our C-Parts Solutions, Kanban solutions and other modular logistics solutions.

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