
Think ahead. Act responsibly.

Society, politics and economy face challenges such as scarcity of resources, environmental degradation, climate change and population growth. We work together with our customers, suppliers, partners and employees globally to conserve natural resources, prevent environmental impacts and assume social responsibility for a sustainable future, all within the scope of Würth Industrial NetWORK.

We direct our efforts for a better environmental protection and a fair and respectful coexistence in the following five areas: Corporate governance, employees, cost effectiveness, environment, society and region. Our economic success is particularly dependant on a holistic and sustainable operation. For this purpose, we intend to operate keeping in mind both ecology and economy. By integrating the ethical, ecological and social aspects, we take the step towards a secure future.

Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

We intend to have a lasting cooperation with our customers, employees and partners, grow and add value from the same by engaging in a thoughtful dialogue. As the company of the Würth Group, our actions are based on a legally compliant behaviour internally and externally according to the state laws as well as the values of the company philosophy and leadership culture. General guidelines of conduct and guidelines within each department serve for the conscious behaviour of every employee and for internalising the values.

Growth without profit is futile.

Growth is the motive for additional investments in product and system innovations as well as new technologies, which are used for retaining the customers effectively and gaining new ones. Our strong sales orientation enables us to identify the requirements and fulfil them in timely manner. Cost-effectiveness therefore also means to continuously inspire the customers with maximum supply security for their C-Parts and to offer standardised systems, a homogeneous product range as well as a consistently high level of service and best possible quality. Global supplier structures and strategic supplier partnerships are thereby essential.


Code of Compliance

Group-wide applicable code of conduct

Mutual trust, predictability, honesty and straightforwardness with regard to internal and external relations are the basic principles, which are firmly established in the Würth Group. A corporate culture of a special kind - based of fundamental values such as appreciation of all employees and their performances as well as immense commitment to the customers. Prof. Dr. h. c. mult. Reinhold Würth has laid the foundation of family business with this approach.


Sustainability in the delivery chain

Sustainability in the delivery chain

Our business partners play a decisive role in shaping the success of the company. Therefore, the company relies on a close cooperation with its business partners and expects them to commit themselves to the defined objectives of sustainability, especially with regard to human rights, occupational and health safety, environmental protection and fight against corruption. With respect to handling batch-related origin of goods, we design a complete and transparent delivery chain. We want to live up to our responsibility in our business relationships at a global level and act proactively beyond that of fulfilling the legal requirements.

Society and region

Entrepreneurial action means future-oriented action. As a family business, we and the Würth Group have been committed to this principle since its foundation. We assume responsibility even beyond the boundaries of company. Social commitment towards charitable and social institutions and supporting numerous projects in the fields of arts and culture, sport, research and science as well as education are the matters especially close to our hearts.

Society & Region

Our principles

Code of Conduct

Our principles are firmly established in the Code of Conduct. It provides orientation, advise and support for a compliant behaviour in the workplace, as part of the company and as business partner. Together, we assume the responsibility e.g. for fair and social working conditions and for the environment by obliging to comply with the applicable laws and regulations and the Code of Conduct.




The economic objectives are directly related to the jobs. Growth secures the jobs and apprenticeships and allows jobs and training opportunities to be created and developed. We are aware that growth is not everything and satisfaction demands more than a secure job. It is for this reason we provide maximum flexibility, responsible tasks within the employment contracts of an indefinite duration, flexible trust-based working hours, part-time jobs as well as many additional benefits. We have taken measures to maintain the comfort for our employees in the long term. The measures are aimed at the well-being of our employees and to encourage their individual responsibility towards health, family and career and offer them appropriate support.

Environmental protection

We are committed to a holistic approach towards environmental protection. For us, environmental protection includes the measures taken to avoid impact on natural environment as well as responsible use of natural resources. Amongst other things, this includes being aware of, documenting and complying with legal requirements, proper disposal of wastes, sustainable use of land, logistics and customer solutions as well as increasing use of digital media. For example, we are DIN EN ISO 14001 certified. Obtaining the certification under the principle of continuous improvement is an integral part of our corporate objectives.

Environmental protection



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All important documents are available here for download.