Accreditation by DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025

Our testing laboratory has been accredited in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 since 2017. That is why our laboratory is subject to regular audits by the Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle (DAkkS) to ensure that both our technical expertise and our technical equipment meet the highest standards.

Accreditation certificate

Annex to the Accreditation Certificate

Accredited testing in flexible area of application

What are the benefits of our accreditation?

You can trust us to carry out the tests for you. You can rely on us to test properly and provide correct test results. Thanks to our accreditation, you can place this trust in us with confidence and know that you can be sure of our work. As an accredited testing laboratory in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025, we guarantee for over 50 procedures:

  • unrestricted impartiality towards external parties (technically also towards Würth Industrie Service, of which we are a part), which means that our test reports are recognised worldwide.
  • the fulfilment of the high demands placed on testing laboratories, such as proof of employees’ expertise or fully monitored test equipment.
  • a quality management that goes far beyond the standard requirements of
    ISO 9001 for a laboratory.
  • a globally comparable approach to calibration and testing, which enables reliable measurement results and their global comparability.

Accreditation ultimately means certainty for you.

The accreditation represents independent and internationally recognised proof of the expertise of our testing laboratory.

What are the prerequisites for accreditation?

The prerequisite for accreditation as a testing laboratory is fulfilling the requirements of DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025. This standard not only sets requirements for the introduction of a quality management system, comparable to ISO 9001, but also goes beyond this by setting specific requirements for laboratory work. These range from fundamental principles such as impartiality to requirements for personnel, premises and testing equipment, as well as measurement uncertainty calculations and quality assurance measures. Compliance with
DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 ensures that the laboratories work to a comparable, high standard and deliver reliable results.

A certificate is all well and good, but what exactly does it represent?

In other words: What exactly do we do to ensure that you can trust us and our test results?

It is not a single tool or a single method that ensures that you can trust our test results. Rather, it is the interplay of various aspects that ensures that you can rely on us:

  • Quality management: Defining processes and procedures is one thing, implementing them in day-to-day business is another. The processes are brought to life in our laboratory. They have been optimised over the years to not only achieve maximum quality, but also to ensure continuous feasibility.
    > More about our quality policy
  • Expertise of personnel: We ensure the expertise of our personnel through various measures. This includes the training of materials testers, internal and external training courses and monitoring the expertise of our employees.
    There is a high level of experience and routine in the area of testing fasteners. With this expertise, we can not only guarantee flawless test results, but also provide you with the best possible advice.
    > More about our team
  • Reliable equipment: In addition to calibrating our test machines at set intervals, they are also maintained internally and/or externally on a regular basis. Regular checks are also carried out between calibrations, e.g. with reference materials or standards.
  • Quality assurance measures: To monitor our capabilities, we participate in comparative tests (where available, proficiency tests) with other laboratories with above-average frequency. This comparison enables us to grade our performance and, if necessary, implement improvements in the testing processes.
    In addition to the detailed validation of new test procedures, other measures include the precise analysis of standardised procedures for a fully compliant execution and the control and monitoring of room conditions (such as the ambient temperature at the installation site of the devices).
  • Continuous improvement: Various methods contribute to continuous improvement. This includes regular internal audits, a system for submitting suggestions for improvement, consistent handling of complaints and corrective measures as well as regular evaluation of the management system.
    > More about our history


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